简介:Vlad has just moved and joined one of the most famous magical schools in the world, where he meets fairies, witches, trolls and dwarfs. Him and his fa
简介:Beginning just after the bloody Sioux victory over General Custer at Little Big Horn, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee intertwines the perspectives of th
简介:网上关于这座桥的历史资料不甚详尽,关于影片的介绍更是简单的可怜,在看过的一些历史记录片中对这座桥大多也是寥寥几句带过——可是,希特勒曾说过这样一句话:“有两个“桥头堡”决定了我们德国的命运,一个在诺曼底,而另一个在雷马根!” 《雷玛根大桥》(Bridge at Remagen)——美国米高梅公司1
简介:Freestyle Digital Media购得抢劫喜剧题材新片《错上加错》(A Bad Idea Gone Wrong)的北美发行权,将于11月30日在包括洛杉矶在内的10多个国内市场上映,12月1日视频点播上线。 Jason Headley导演首秀,威尔·罗杰斯、马特·琼斯、Eleanore