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      4.0 HD中字





      We follow a squad of American paratroopers as they struggle to carry out a mission only one of them knows the real reason for undertaking. As tensions become heightened in the heat of battle, can you depend on the guy next to you, or is he not what he appears to be  Set in the aftermath of the allied invasion of France in the summer of 1944 a squad of American paratroopers struggle to carry out a mission only one of them knows the real reason for undertaking. As tensions become increasingly heightened in the heat of battle, trust becomes not only their hope but their fear as well. Are their allies really who they appears to be Shannon productions have completed principle photography on their first Feature film, 'Battle Recon' written and directed by Robert Shannon. They are now working in association with the Molinaire film and TV village to complete post production and Special Effects. 2011 will see the project develop into a series for television.


      • 7.0 HD中字 勇闯雷霆峰 克林特·伊斯特伍德,乔治·肯尼迪,沃内塔·麦吉,杰克·卡西迪,Heidi,Brühl,塞耶·戴维,莱纳·顺纳,Michael,Grimm,Jean-Pierre,Bernard,布伦达·维纳斯,格雷戈里·沃尔科特,Candice,Rialson,Elaine,Shore,Dan,Howard,Jack,Kosslyn,Jack,Frey
      • 3.0 HD中字 极速格斗 袁福福,安培,李长江,洪乐轩,田琦,陈怡曼
      • 1.0 HD中字 失陷猩球 詹姆斯·弗朗西斯科斯,金·亨特,莫里斯·埃文斯,琳达·哈里逊,查尔顿·赫斯顿,保罗·理查兹,维克多·布鲁诺,詹姆斯·格雷戈里,杰夫·科里,纳塔丽·特伦黛,托马斯·戈梅斯,德尔马·沃森,唐佩德罗·科利,托德·安德鲁斯,格雷戈里·西拉
      • 3.0 HD中字 江湖奇兵 董志华,穆立新,杜玉明
      • 3.0 HD中字 荒漠游侠 雷承昆,李江,张楠,陈慧敏,尹泽强,张永康,段富超,王志强
      • 7.0 HD中字 非常小特务 达里尔·沙巴拉,阿丽夏·维加,安东尼奥·班德拉斯,卡拉·古奇诺,艾伦·卡明,托尼·夏尔赫布,特丽·哈彻,切奇·马林,罗伯特·帕特里克,丹尼·特雷霍,迈克·乔吉,理查德·林克莱特,吉列尔莫·纳瓦罗,Trant,Batey,Jeffrey,J.,Dashnaw,埃文•萨巴拉,Rachel,Duhame,Houston,Hooker,路易斯·布莱克,迪克·克拉克,Julio,Villareal,乔治·克鲁尼,Brinton,Bryan,Phillip,Wolf


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